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Click here to go buy my nano-Orgonite!

Or welcome to "Hundebakken 3/Godhill" and I will give you super prizes.

I sell my self-published books, crystals, elite shungite, tensor-rings and very beautiful indestructible power-bracelets. 

I also make my own colloidal silver from the renowned Spooky2 generator. I can make 800 ml a day.

I also have the links and resources to advice you against any pathogens known to mankind. See the video below.

If you want to construct Orgonite yourself, I have moulds, crystals, metal shavings, resources and 20+ powders, ingredients, etc, that I will never be able to fully put to use myself, for those who want to make Orgonite themselves.

I also take and edit photos professionally.

Eidsaa solutions. The world's easiest and most affordable health tips.

Colloidal silver


As colloidal silver is illegal to sell in Norway, due to a Sabbatean-Frankist Jesuit Illuminati technocrazy covert takeover/ coup d'etat killing our nation, as there is proof of a conspiracy-reality, you will have to buy colloidal silver from my dear friend in the UK, Sir Harry Rhodes, where you can also read about it's world's best benefits:


FOR NORSKE/NORWEGIAN KUNDER, ta kontakt, og les om kolloidialt sølv her:


I make the world's most powerful colloidal silver with tensor-orgonite and metatron's cube cleansed/programmed distilled water, an antibiotikum that when combined with Oregano oil, is much healthier, cheaper and more powerful than penicillin, is my claim, as TRUE science supports. No side effects.

5 layered Orgonite pyramid with brass shavings and amethyst at the top, nano (COVID size) iron, aluminium and copper metal powder layers with ball-milled 5-crystal powder and an improved Black Sun recipe for the root layer with iron shavings, aluminium shavings, red and black iron oxide, 5 crystal powders and black tourmaline. Each pyramid has 9 big crystals, sending etheric energy in every direction. These are the most powerful Orgonites at the commercial market. The round Orgonites have the same composition except for the amethyst and brass layers and I use two big crystals in each. The pyramids cost 1500 NOK and the round ones cost 250 NOK. Even the round ones are stronger than any Orgonite on the commercial market

Elite Shungite straight from Karnelia Russia, the only place in the world it is found. All sizes. This shungite is the strongest and etherically removes chlorine and heavy-metals in water like choral algae, but since it's etherical, the stones last a life-time, and never absorb any chlorine. They also give the water antibiotic properties and is very healing to wear as well. I just put them in a bottle. Tell me for what use and how much you need, and I will give you a prize.

Twisted 2mm and 3mm copper 144hz 177hz and 188hz tensor-rings. Ask.

7 cm in diameter 18k gold plated Metatron's cube mandala necklace in brass. Metatron's cube are all the platonic solids in one shape and science confirms this shape is the litteral bluebrint of the entire universe. It's power turned the brass claw at the top green! Special order and sacred diameter. 150 NOK. I have a hundred of these.

Indestructible Lapis Lazuli and Labradorite bracelet, the most magical power-combination possible in the world. Choose between two silver cross beads, silver buddha beads or golden buddha beads. 200 NOK.

Indestructible gorgeous red, brown and golden tiger-eye copper bracelet. I also have citrine quartz beads and cross beads. Citrine pairs very well with tigereye and are the birthstones of the Zodiacal sign of Gemini. 150 NOK.

I also make necklaces with druzy quartz, seashells and diverse pendants. I also have 3 boxes of jewelry, including 20+ black and also pink moon-shaped druzy quartz and also cross shaped tigereye necklaces.

I can also make you 70 degree inclination "Alexander Golod's Nubian" pyramids for charging/preparing food, health supplements, tobacco, booze, crystals, or just for protecting or decorating your home. It is essential that there are no metal particles in the pyramid construction. 600 NOK.